Thursday 8 February 2018

US Secret Service - Federal troops

The American Secret Service foothold in the center of the vast British Empire could not be maintained without some solid backup in the form of veteran federal soldiers. Hank, Bill and Ulysses are three such distinguished troopers. They are no stranger to human conflict, but the foes they will face in the streets of London are something else altogether...

For the US of A!



All three figures are prepainted King and Country figures. Only the bases were repainted to match the rest of the collection.
US soldiers facing off against giant vampire bats

"The bugger is still moving and I'm out of ammo!" 

"Fear not, "Yankee", the Empire has your back!"

US Secret Service - Faction Overview

Like many other foreign powers, the USA have taken an interest in the strange occurrings in London and have dispatched some members of the Secret Service to investigate. Setting up temporary headquarters in the American Embassy, they are lead by experienced agents James West & Artemus Gordon.

The members of the faction so far...

1. James T. West

Source: Del Prado (converted and repainted)

2. Artemus Gordon

Source: King & Country

3. US Army Captain

To be added...

4. Native American Scout

Source: King & Country
5. US Army Riflemen

Source: King & Country

Sunday 4 February 2018

Dracula and His Minions - Vampire Bats

It is said Dracula's power extends to controling the creatures of the night. Large vampire bats have been spot in the city and unlike normal bat behaviour, they have been attacking humans without fear or hesitation. There are some who whisper these aren't true bats at all, but lesser vampires who have learned to transform into giant bats, though such claims have not been verified so far. One thing is for certain, alive or undead, they are ferocious creatures best avoided. 

Three giant vampire bats on the prowl
The original models are retired 28mm giant bats made by Masquerade Miniatures, probably as Warhammer proxies. Being as big as humans in 28mm means they are still a respectable child-sized monstrosity in 60mm and the added wingspan makes them a terrifying sight indeed. I had to sightly convert them to remove some off-scale details and then rebase them to match my other figures. I added a repainted Lemax fire hydrant as a support for one of them, which also helped to raise him at eye-height for the 60mm humans.
Attacking bat, with fire hydrant.

Soaring bat...

Grieviously wounded but not defeated...
And some "in action scenes":

Her Majesty's Finest trying to stop the attacking bats...

For some reason, the giant bats don't seem to like Count Orlok either...

Dracula and his Minions - Faction Overview

Count Dracula moved from Transylvania to London in a bid to regain his old power in a modern world. Since he found relentless opposition from Van Helsing and his cronies, the Count surrounded himself with both eleder vampires and newborn whelps.

The faction so far...

1. Count Dracula

Source: Lemax (converted and repainted)

2. Dracula's brides

To be added

3. Count Orlok 

Source: Miniaturas Beneito (built and painted)
4. Lesser vampires

To be added

5. Vampire bats

Source: Masquerade Miniatures (slightly converted and painted)

6. Dracula's wolves

To be added

7. Bat swarm

To be added