Monday 8 October 2018

Chocolate Factory Gang - Willy Wonka

Wonka's chocolate factory had been locked for many years after other candy makers, including rival Arthur Slugworth, sent in spies to steal his recipes. Willy Wonka became a recluse, seldom seen. But all that changed recently. The factory was reopened and five golden tickets were hidden in chocolate Wonka bars. Finders of the tickets were promised a factory tour and a lifetime supply of chocolate. Willy Wonka himself has been spotted on the corners of the London streets, offering candy to street urchins. But while he looks like a kindly, if somewhat eccentric gentleman, rumours start to arise. Some say not all of those who entered his factory with the golden tickets returned and that those who did have now taken up residence in Bedlam. And what about those stunted shadowy figures that are often reported around the area's he has visited?

The figure is one I had especially sculpted and then moulded and cast in resin for this project in 60mm. The size is compatible with the likes of King & Country and John Jenkins Designs. The paintjob is of course inspired by the Gene Wilder version of the character.

It's only a piece of harmless candy, constable. Try some.