Sunday 29 October 2017

Scotland Yard - The Boys in Blue

Scotland Yard, the headquarters of the Metropolitan Police Service, the territorial police force responsible for policing most of London, derived its name from the location of the Metropolitan Police headquarters at 4 Whitehall Place, which had a rear entrance on a street called Great Scotland Yard. The Scotland Yard entrance became the public entrance to the police station, and over time the street and the Metropolitan Police became synonymous. When most people think of Scotland Yard, they think first of its detectives: Lestrade, Abberline, Reid, ... But the real backbone of the police force are its constables, who work the streets day and night.

Nothing to see here, folks!
The figures are different editions of Lemax christmas figures. I've rebased them, and changed the helmet badges of the portly one and the whistling one  so they would all match. I also made their clubs bigger, to match the one with the lamp. The latter being the only one of the three that's part of Lemax' current range, it seemed easier to take him as the standard, in case I get a few more copies to convert.

This portly fellow is my favourite of the three, as he oozes so much character.

Right, so tell me what happened and don't give me any crap.

The second one was standing on a trafic stand, but I figured he would work well as a copper blowing his whistle and raising his hand in an attempt to stop a suspect and alert his fellow constables.

Hold it right there! 
The third one is obviously on patrol on a cold night. He brought a lantern to shine some light on the things that lurk in the dark.

I can't believe I'm stuck with the night shift again.

The two older models are a bit on the short side, but they fit in well enough (keeping in mind that the Sherlock figure is particularly tall).

In the name of the law!

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